Suitable Reels for T Bar T092 Handle Knob:
- Shimano Ocea Jigger 4000~5000P, 2004 SW Stella 10000~20000 FA (Shaft-S).
- 2008 Shimano SW New Stella 4000~20000 (Shaft-NS)
- 2008 Shimano SW Twin Power 4000~12000 (Shaft-NS)
Shimano new Talica 10, 12, 16, 20, 25 single speed and two speed reels (Shaft-NS) Talica 50 handle
knob is riveted on arm and not removable. If you like to install on 50's Talica, drilling work will be needed.
Shimano new Torsa 16N, 16, 20, 30 reels. (Shaft-NS)
- Daiwa Saltiga-Z 20~40 (Shaft-D). And Directly change for Daiwa Catalog with Label 「L」
Daiwa Saltiga-Z4000~6500 spinning reels. Catalina (Japan) 4000-4500, Seaborg series electrical reels. (Shaft-D)
Daiwa Saltiga/Saltist SA15-50, STTLD20-50, STTLW20-50. (Shaft-D)
Please see below Pictures (click to enlarge) to show the installation processes step by