Ultimate Jigging Custom Power Arm model No. PA001 with custom knob or T Bar is suitable for upgrade certain Daiwa and Shimano reels.
Daiwa Reels:
- Power Arm Model PA001-DX is suitable for any Daiwa reel with 7mm (left)/ 6mm (right) thread on main drive shaft; and
- Power Arm Model PA001-D is suitable for any Daiwa reel with 8mm (left)/ 7mm (right) thread on main drive shaft. (Including new Saltiga Reels 6000~6500, Saltiga
Z5000 ~ 6500, Catalina 5000 ~ 6500, Dogfight 6500 ~ 7000 reels.)
Related Products for Daiwa Reels:
Shimano Reels:
Power Arm Model PA001-S is suitable for
- Any Shimano reel with 7mm drive shaft. (You can measure your reel driver shaft, as long as it's 7mm O.D., this Arm will fit on your reel - Left Crank or Right Crank);
- 2008 to 2013 Shimano Stella 10000 ~ 30000 SW (Left Crank or Right Crank);
- New Twinpower 10000 ~ 14000 SW (Left Crank or Right Crank); and
- Saragosa 18000F, 20000 ~ 25000SW (fits on Left Crank only, Saragosa reel has 6mm right drive shaft).
Related Products for Shimano Reels:
In order to determine is this Arm suitable your reels or not, please see above flash Photos for “How to measure Main Drive Shaft of Arm) for your reference.
Features of Ultimate Jigging Power Arm:
- This Arm is new developed from U.J. The longer arm length machined from 6061 aluminum stock allows you to operate reel more easily and less effort to battle with
big one!
- The main drive shaft machined from solid Titanium stock, stronger and lighter than Shimano stock stainless shaft (13g vs 17g).
- Two tone anodized to ensure maximum saltwater resistant.
- Handle knob shaft of the Arm machined from strong solid 304 stainless bar, fits any Ultimate Jigging 40mm knob with NS cap, 45mm knob with NS kits or T-BAR with
NS shaft housing.